1:1 Presence Coaching

Hi my name is Annalisa.

I have being involved with different wellness methodologies and personal growth since years.


My personal wellness journey started over 20 years ago and it took me in places and spaces that I wouldn’t have ever imagined.
The moment has now arrived for me to share my journey with you.

In the past I always had people, from many kinds of backgrounds, coming up to me and sharing their life stories, seeking for understanding and advice.


I now see myself as a guide and a confidante for everyone who is ready to embrace on the journey of wellness, self love and self-grow.


Through listening, I will connect with you and share different methodologies to create a personalised path. I infuse the study of yoga, medical qigong and Presence teaching with Polyvagal Theory.


Being an empath and having worked on myself with all the above therapies, I know the importance of creating a safe space for you, where you will be able to let go and rediscover and reconnect with your body. You will learn to listen to it and at the same time you will acquire the skill of taking control of your mind and effortlessly focus on your goals.


I deeply believe in the connection of body and mind and as in latin it said ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ – A healthy mind in a healthy body.

We will discover together...

the importance of a healthy living based on body and mind exercise, stress management, good sleep habits, supportive relationships, emotional wellbeing and the beauty of letting go to unveil what it is that makes each of us so unique and beautiful.


Through the sessions you will gain tools designed to strengthen your roots in Presence and you will develop the power and capacity to live your life in its fullness.


Are you ready to embark on this new journey?